RFA Ethanol Podcast

StollerUSA Celebrates Its 40th Anniversary

Joanna Schroeder

Back in 1970, Jerry Stoller started StollerUSA with a few dollars and some unusual ideas and now the company has a global footprint and a lot of acceptance in the U.S. Today, Jeff Morgan, Stoller’s marketing director, said that they are happy to commemorate their 40 year anniversary.

AgWired reporter Chuck Zimmerman was able to catch up with Morgan during the annual NAFB Trade Talk in Kansas City. StollerUSA may be 40 years old, but each year they are releasing bigger and better products to help the grower succeed.

The success of our Bio-Forge product continues to increase. Growers are beginning to understand how our products dovetail into their programs,” said Morgan. “They spend a lot of money on seed. There are a lot of genetic traits built into that seed that they need. The challenge becomes when they go out and stick it in the dirt, nature takes over and they need to find a way to extract all that potential. That’s where Stoller products like Bio-Forge come in. We help extract all that potential out of that seed so you can earn that ROI.”

The evidence comes out in the field and was demonstrated when Missouri farmer Kip Cullers broke the soybean yield record. One of the products he used was Bio-Forge. Morgan noted that one thing Kip did that other growers can emulate is that he pre-treated his seed with Bio-Forge. According to Morgan, it’s a cost effective way for growers to become familiar with Stoller technology.

You can learn more about Bio-Force and other Stoller products in Chuck’s interview with Jeff. Increasing Yield With Bio-Forge

NAFB, Seed, Soybean