RFA Ethanol Podcast


Cindy Zimmerman

RFA at NAFBThere were lots of ethanol issues to discuss at the National Association of Farm Broadcasting annual Trade Talk event in Kansas City last week. The topics included the lame duck session of Congress, importance of renewing biofuels tax incentives, doing more to invest in cellulosic ethanol, labeling for E15 at the pump, just to name a few.

Renewable Fuels Association president and CEO Bob Dinneen says NAFB Trade Talk is one of his favorite events of the year. “I think farm broadcasters are doing a lot of hard work trying to make sure that Americans understand the important debates that are going on in DC,” Bob said. “I love these folks and I love being here.”

RFA’s Matt Hartwig (sitting in the photo) and Bob stayed busy all six and a half hours of Trade Talk doing interviews. Bob is being interviewed in this picture by past NAFB president Tom Brand (KFEQ St. Joe, MO).

Listen to my interview with Bob from NAFB here: RFA at NAFB

See more photos from the NAFB annual meeting and trade talk here:
NAFB Convention Photo Album

Audio, Ethanol, NAFB, RFA