2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Three Weeks Until GIPSA Comment Deadline

Cindy Zimmerman

Livestock producers – and anyone in the meat industry, including those who eat it – have just three weeks left to make comments on the proposed Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration (GIPSA) rule designed to “provide significant new protections for producers against unfair, fraudulent or retaliatory practices,” according to USDA.

As of right now, nearly 13,800 comments have been received and posted by the Federal Register on the topic. The deadline for comments is November 22.

I read a random sampling of about 100 of the comments and was really disappointed by the fact that they were obviously generic letters that were submitted by various individuals, either for or against the proposal. I got very bored reading the same letter with different names. In fact, of the 100 comments I looked at, 97 of them were one of the same three letters!

cattlemen temple grandinA notable exception was a letter from Colorado State University professor and animal welfare expert Temple Grandin, who sent in a comment earlier last month, expressing concern that the proposed rule would “subject old breeding animals to additional stressful long distance transport.”

“As a scientist who has dedicated her life to improving livestock welfare, I am extremely alarmed that although this rule is concerned with marketing and competition, the department ultimately responsible for it – USDA – is also charged with enforcing the Humane Slaughter Act and apparently has paid so little attention to the animal welfare implications of this proposal,” Grandin said in her letter.

Grandin’s comments were original, personal and well stated. It’s important for those who would be affected by this rule to do their own research and determine how they personally feel about the proposal and how it would impact them. A form letter is great for quantity, but if I were the people reviewing the comments, I would be looking for quality, passion and real information. Like voting, this is an opportunity to have your voice heard, but in a much more personal way. The comment system was developed so that people who are the target of some new bureaucratic regulation can tell the people in Washington what it’s like in the real world.

This rule will have a profound impact on the future of the livestock industry, including poultry, hog and cattle producers. So, take 15 minutes and write something personal and don’t just take the easy way out and repeat some generic comments. Your future is worth at least that much. You can submit comments directly on-line here.

GIPSA, Livestock