2011 Ag Media Summit Logo Contest

Chuck Zimmerman

Ag Media SummitHey AAEA and LPC members. Want to pocket $200? Enter a design in the 2011 Ag Media Summit logo contest.

This contest is open to any LPC or AAEA member or student member of either organization. ACT members, you may participate if you are a student member of either organization.

Things to consider:
Theme: Jazz It Up! NOLA 2011
Location: New Orleans, Louisiana
Dates: July 23-27, 2011

Keep in mind this logo is used in a variety of mediums from signage to the website to give-aways so don’t make it so complicated that it does not reproduce well. It’s a good idea to design it so it looks good in black and white too.

Deadline for submission: Wednesday, October 20, 2010; to dianej@flash.net, please put “AMS 2011 logo submission-“your name” in the subject line. Please submit as a pdf but keep it so that you can modify it slightly if the committee requests. You may submit as many entries as you wish.

The AMS Steering Committee will vote on the entries and their decision is final. The logo then becomes the property of the AMS and it will be the logo for the 2011 event only.

ACN, Ag Media Summit, LPC