RFA Ethanol Podcast

MachineryLink Gives Soybean Champ Working Man’s Award

Cindy Zimmerman

kip cullersWorld champion soybean grower Kip Cullers got a plaque from Missouri Governor Jay Nixon and a crystal globe trophy from the Missouri Soybean Association for breaking the soybean yield record again. But, MachineryLink presented the “Crop King” with a more practical honor – an embroidered pair of his trademark overalls.

kip cullersTodd Branson and Mark Gabrick were on hand at the Country Cupboard in Stark City, Missouri yesterday when the announcement was made that Kip broke his own yield record again, with 160.6 bushels per acre on his 2010 test fields. “We wanted to give him something he could actually use,” they said.

MachineryLink, which maintains the largest private fleet of combines in North America, is headquartered in Kansas City and is one of several companies that partners with the soybean champion. Our friends at BASF are also proud to be partners with Kip, and they have set up a special spot on their Facebook page to send congrats to Kip. I mean, really – over 160 bushels per acre!? Holy cow! That’s worth a note of appreciation. Send him one here.

View or download photos from Kip’s big announcement here:
Kip Cullers 2010 Soybean Record

BASF, Soybean