AAEA Has New Website

Chuck Zimmerman

The American Agricultural Editors’ Association (AAEA) has a new website and it is a major improvement.

“For our members and prospective members, it’s more reader-friendly, interactive and informative, with much of the same content that was in the previous site plus some additions,” said Den Gardner, AAEA executive director. “Behind the scenes, it is much more efficient for the AAEA staff to manage.”

“A big part of the update was building a site that better organizes AAEA’s online resources. I think we’ve accomplished that,” said Steve Fairchild, AAEA president. “Plus, we’ve incorporated some little things, like the Twitter feed, that help our members stay in touch with what AAEA is doing as an organization.”

The site incorporates Twitter feeds from @AgEditors and @AgMediaSummit, in addition to the related hash tags #ageditors, #AgMS for the association’s annual conference Ag Media Summit, and #ifaj for the affiliated organization the International Federation of Agricultural Journalists.

The website was designed by Aha! Digital.