2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Farm Foundation Looks at Farm Bill’s Budget Implications

John Davis

Some of the best minds in agriculture will get together to discuss and debate the budget implications for the next Farm Bill, Tuesday, Sept. 14 at the next Farm Foundation Forum at the National Press Club in Washington, DC:

Presenters will include:

Craig Jagger, chief economist of the House Agriculture Committee; Patrick Westhoff of the Food and Agriculture Policy Research Institute; Chuck Conner of the National Council of Farmer Cooperatives; and Ferd Hoefner of the National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition.

People with an interest in agricultural, food and rural policy, including members of Congress, congressional staff, executive branch officials, industry representatives, NGO representatives, academics and members of the media should attend this important conversation.

If you want to make it to this free event, you need to get your reservation in by noon Friday, Sept. 10. More information is available on the Farm Foundation’s forum website.

Farm Foundation