2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Ag Media Summit Concludes

Chuck Zimmerman

3 Gregs at AMSThe 2010 Agricultural Media Summit has concluded but that doesn’t mean the coverage on AgWired has ended. So much posting to do and so little time . . .

I’ve got a lot more to post from AMS but I’ve also got 3 more events to attend in the next week before getting back to ZimmComm World Headquarters. So, I’ll be posting interviews and photos when time allows. I’m heading to Denver early in the morning for the Cattle Industry Summer Conference where I’ll be Beef Board Blogging and hoping everything works out okay with the groups participating in the meeting. I’m sure more information on that will be forthcoming.

In the meantime I have updated the AMS photo album. There are some great photos in there and I hope you enjoy it. Like this one of the “3 Gregs” during the closing banquet tonight. All of tonight’s award winners are in there and I’ll try to find a way to post who they all are when I get a listing. You’ll know many of them.

2010 Ag Media Summit Photo Album

ACN, Ag Media Summit, LPC