2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Missouri Beef Industry Council Board Meets

Chuck Zimmerman

It’s hard to believe that we’ve been doing work for the Missouri Beef Industry Council for over 6 years. MBIC was the first ZimmComm client and we’re proud to still be working with them and can’t say how much we appreciate their confidence and support.

Today the MBIC was doing what all state Checkoff organizations are doing and that’s working on the budget for the next fiscal year. So they’ve been sitting through presentations and I was just happy to get them all up and in a group photo so they could work a few kinks out.

One of the projects we do for the MBIC is produce their weekly podcast which was a first for the industry. It’s now called Checkoff Chat. I also had the opportunity today to record several episodes which will be used in upcoming weeks. We did some statistics checking on Checkoff Chat downloads for this year only and there are episodes that have been downloaded as many as 2,800 times!

Many of these folks will be in Denver the week after next for the Cattle Industry Summer Conference where I’ll be Beef Board Blogging once again.

Ag Groups, Beef