RFA Ethanol Podcast

NAFB Foundation Scholarship Recipients

Chuck Zimmerman

National Association of Farm BroadcastingThe National Association of Farm Broadcasting (NAFB) Foundation just announced their 2010 scholarship recipients.

The Foundation is pleased to announce the 2010 selections:
Taylor James, Kansas State University, Glenn Kummerow Scholarship, $5,000
Denise Donley, Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville, $4,000
Julie Martin, University of Wisconsin-Madison, $4,000

The NAFB Foundation Board of Directors would like to congratulate these students. In addition to their scholarship, they will each receive a trip to Kansas City for the 2010 NAFB Annual convention, funded by the Foundation. These scholarships and other projects that sustain the future and prosperity of the ag and rural broadcasting industry, would not be possible without the NAFB Foundation Boosters and supporters. Thank you to everyone who supports the NAFB Foundation.

For more information on the NAFB Foundation, or to pledge your support, visit www.nafbfoundation.com.