2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Do You Have A Social Media Strategy?

Chuck Zimmerman

That question is one I rarely get a yes answer to. In fact, after saying no the question I get back is “How do we create one?” or “Can you provide an example of one?” If you’re wondering about this then today’s eMarketer report is a good read. Recent research has shown that most companies don’t have a strategy or are only part way to having one. Part of the problem is probably the silo effect of internal company departments like sales, marketing, public relations, legal, human resources, etc. It’s difficult to prepare and implement a strategy when people in different departments don’t communicate! This point is made in the report.

“Companies that have held back on adopting social media throughout their organizations would benefit from starting with a cohesive plan that involves all of the key groups within the organization,” said the report, while those that have already adopted the social channel should get all departments and employees on board with a complete strategy.

Not surprisingly one of the top concerns companies (mostly attorneys I think) have is this one: “how to respond to comments on social sites.” I see that as a mostly irrational fear but understandable. But why should you let that keep you from creating a strategy and especially one that provides employees with guidelines for how to handle it? For example, if you assign an individual to create and maintain your company Twitter account then let them know what they can and can’t say in reply to messages received from followers. You can’t ignore them or you might as well not have a Twitter account. Social media is about engagement. It’s not just another way to force your message on people. But keep in mind that if you choose not to participate in social media you can’t complain about what others are saying about you. I think it’s best to join the online conversation and tell your story and let your voice be heard even if it is scary and requires an investment of resources. I’d be happy to help if you would like to discuss.

Social Networking