So here’s how our conversation went:
Him: “You don’t work. You’ve done PR for 10 years now, but you don’t really work.”
Me: *stunned look on my face.* “You mean just because I don’t spend all day outside in 100 degree weather, you think I don’t work?”
Him: “Well, you don’t build anything. You don’t make anything. What do you DO?”
Me: *still recovering from the shock* … I couldn’t say a thing.
What I should’ve said was: “I build relationships and reputations to help give farmers and ranchers like you an opportunity to go to work tomorrow. I help fight the good fight against folks like HSUS whose sole purpose in life is to put you out of business.”
That’s how my dinner conversation went the other day. And I think in some small, yet justified, manner, I’m still hanging onto that comment as fuel for the work that I DO do every day to support agriculture.
I didn’t write this week to garner sympathy from other PR pros who understand the struggle in justifying what we “build” every day…I wrote to introduce you to AgWalk – a weekly update from a work at home mom on the farm. Okay, so maybe my workday consists of catching up with Trent, Chuck and Kyle on Facebook, and of course, my daily dose of “The Pioneer Woman” blog, but I feel those are integral activities to keeping my sanity. Then I delve into my “real” job – promoting the work that farmers and ranchers do to provide a safe, healthy food supply for U.S. consumers. Oh yeah, and maybe I fit in a trip to Grandma’s house for some homemade bread and freshly picked asparagus. All in a good day’s work, right?
Don’t look at me with such disappointment, dog. I’m only doing my JOB. You know, the one where I don’t work.
So what’s the point I’m trying to make here? Only to ask you to come back next week and take an AgWalk with me. It’s a break from the ordinary, glimpse into the life of a work from home PR mule, and if you’re lucky, the occasional photo of the cutest little farm boy you’ll ever see.
Until we walk again…