Swine health is of the utmost importance for producers and the use of antibiotics has often been used to keep the pigs healthy. Yet a few years ago, the European Union passed legislation that limited the use of antibiotics for animal health. Since then, many of these producers have been using organic acids to help improve pig health with great success.
Here is the U.S. similar antibiotic legislation is being considered so I sat down with Helen Stebbens, Ph.D. in Pig Nutrition for Novus Europe, to learn more about the pending legislation and what it would mean for American pig producers should it pass. Stebbens has been working on developing organic acids for pig health and she told me right away that in Europe, the producers have not only survived but their levels of production are very good, in part due to the integration of organic acids.
“Many are using organic acids in young pigs,” explained Stebbens. “They are very effective for young pigs where their digestive system is not very mature and organic acids really help to boost the acidity within the stomach of the young pigs and forms a barrier of pathogens toward entry.” Ultimately, she said, this helps to keep the pig’s gut healthy.
Keeping the pig’s gut healthy lessens the needs for things like antibiotics and also improves the ROI for the producer. Stebbens noted that there has been a good adoption of the technique among producers in the U.S. and she believes that they will find it a very cost effective option in maintaining gut health. She also stressed that organic acids do not need to be used all the time but only during critical times of stress such as when the pigs are moving house or units.
There are many Novus nutritional experts that are available to work with producers who are interested in learning more about organic acids, and encouraged them to contact Novus. You can learn more about organic acids at www.novusint.com.
You can listen to the in-depth interview with Helen below. You can also check out all the World Pork Expo 2010 Photo Album.
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