New from Novus International at the World Pork Expo this year was the Equalizing Sow Performance program designed to optimize herd production.
I talked with Randy Anderson (left), who is the National Pork Business Sales Manager for Novus, about the sow program, which he says is basically a combination of their MINTREX® and ZORIEN® products. “We’re feeding the sows through gestation and lactation to help optimize performance,” Randy said. “We’re improving the feet and legs, the joint health of the animal, helping them to walk better, last longer in the herd – so basically we’re improving the longevity of the sow. And in doing that, we’re also getting a reproductive benefit of increasing the live born of the sow.”
Randy says they officially launched the program at World Pork and got good feedback from producers. “The nice thing about the MINTREX® sow program is that it works for everyone, no matter how big or how small.”
Randy Anderson interview wpx10-novus-randy.mp3
Novus VP for the Americas Dan Meagher is the guy on the right in the picture, helping to cut up and serve the Novus roasted pig at the expo. He says producers at the show this year were more optimistic than they have been in the past couple of years. “Attitudes are much better than they were last year, still cautiously optimistic, but certainly the outlook is brighter,” Dan told me. “People are conscious of having to manage the animal numbers but what they’re looking for now is how do I put a little bit more weight on and really take advantage of the markets that are out there.”
Dan also talked to me about Novus’ recent acquisitions of Albion and IQF-ENAMEX and how they have helped strengthen the company’s product lines and offerings for all types of livestock producers.
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