2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Social Media On The Road

Chuck Zimmerman

It’s time to hit the agriblogging highway once again. I’m going to Minneapolis today and will be conducting a presentation tomorrow for the Cooperative Communicator’s Association titled, “Very Social Media.” You might think I’ll only be talking about Twitter but you would be wrong. I will start with blogs. That’s right. A blog is one of the first forms of social media and in my opinion it is still the work horse today.

So I’ll be helping the CCA members take their work to the next level. At least I hope so.

On Tuesday I’ll be in St. Louis for the Association for Communication Excellence in Agriculture, Natural Resources and Life and Human Sciences Annual Meeting. There my presentation is titled, “Social Media At It’s Best.” I don’t know if I am the best but I try and that is what’s really important.

The ACE 2010 program committee and Kansas host state committees invite you to meet us in St. Louis on June 14-17, 2010, for the ACE Annual Meeting and conference.

Then on Wednesday I’ll be in Madison for the American Farm Bureau Federation Public Relations Conference with a presentation titled, “Communications Gadgetry For Tackling The Social Media 2.0 Era.” I will be displaying gadgets but talking also about web and mobile applications that make you more productive social media guru’s.

After looking at the AFBF program brochure with a bratwurst and cheese image I’m not only getting hungry but thinking I’d better be working out extra hard this week to make up for the meals coming my way.

If your company or organization would like a presentation on social media or a training session then give me a call and let’s see if we can get it on the schedule!

AFBF, Ag Groups