2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Zachary Larson Borlaug Summer Intern

Chuck Zimmerman

Let me introduce you to Zachary Larson. Zachary is a recipient of this year’s Borlaug Summer Internship Program. He is already in China where he will be conducting research work and providing regular updates for us. Here’s some information about the internship program.

The Borlaug Internship Program is intended to provide undergraduate students exciting research, community or field experiences in an international setting – experiencing first hand some of the many factors and issues involved in international development and food production. Internships will be offered to undergraduate students at Iowa State University who have demonstrated superior academic ability and who have course work, professional or personal experience, and career interests related to international food production. The Borlaug Internship Program will be administered through the Global Agriculture Programs Office in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Iowa State University.

Here’s a little bit of information about Zachary:

I am a student at Iowa State University studying Agronomy and Global Resource Systems. My majors principally involve the fields agronomic science and global agriculture, and specifically my interests lie in plant breeding, plant genetics, and the study of the Chinese language. This summer I have been given the great opportunity to travel to China to Nanjing Agricultural University, and study wheat genetics as part of a two month internship. This will be an incredible opportunity for me not just in seeing the actual practice of genetic research, but in also having an in depth view of the Chinese language and culture.

Zachary is fluent in the Chinese language and equipped to take photos and shoot video clips to send back here so we can share them with you. Let’s hope he finds some good open internet access! BTW. Zachary is the son of our advertising sales representative, Dave Larson.

Education, International, University