RFA Ethanol Podcast

Last 2009 Headline Harvest Report

Cindy Zimmerman

So, here it is, the last BASF Headline Harvest report for 2009 with an Illinois farmer who has finished his harvest this year.

BASF headline harvest jim wadeJim Wade of Clifton says he just finished up about two weeks before Christmas but it wasn’t as bad as 1967 when he was still had corn in January. “The biggest thing was setting in line, all of us had wet corn,” Jim told me, but overall he says “nobody got hurt.”

Jim has been using Headline for three years now for increased yields in corn-on-corn, standability and plant health. “It keeps the plant green and we don’t want that corn to go down, especially now for anyone’s got corn left now sure wants it to be standing,” he said.

Jim got good yields this year despite the weather challenges and won second place in the Ridge Till Non-Irrigated category for Illinois in the National Corn Yield Contest with a yield of 260.841 on his contest plot.

Watch the video interview and listen to or download the audio of my interview with Jim below.

Audio, BASF, Corn, Video