RFA Ethanol Podcast

Headline Harvest Report from Kankakee

Cindy Zimmerman

Who would have thought we would still be doing BASF Headline Harvest reports the last week of the year?

BASF headline harvest ron hansenThis week we traveled to northern Illinois where there is still lots of corn in the fields and lots of flooded areas due to the extremely wet fall. I talked with Ron Hansen of Kankakee, who still has about 300 acres to combine, but he says it is still standing pretty well, despite a storm that blew through last week with 40 mph winds. It helped him see a side by side comparison of how Headline helped with standability in this late year. “We had a check on one field and that check was 100 percent down from end to end, and where the Headline was there were spots it was down but it was not down at the root, where as with the check it was,” Ron told me.

Ron says the weather this year has just been “nuts.” “With the cool summer, it’s done some things that I’ve never seen in my lifetime, like not maturing the corn and beans like normal so we are caught with this real late wet corn – but we are having good yields.”

As to when he will get the rest of his crop out of the field, Ron said he just doesn’t know. “I’ve harvested at Christmas, I’ve never harvested at New Year’s,” he said.

Watch the video interview and listen to or download the audio of my interview with Ron below.

Audio, BASF, Corn, Video