Here is the perfect present for that tractor lover on your list – the 2009 NAFB Foundation Farmall Super M model tractor by Joe Ertl.
Ertl has personally autographed each of the numbered Farmall Super M 1/16 scale toy tractors for NAFB. To make it even more special for the organization, Joe designed and mounted a replica of a tractor radio. Best of all, your gift will also help to support future farm broadcasters. What more could you ask?
Only 200 of these tractors have been produced to benefit the NAFB Foundation. Numbers 1-5 were auctioned live during the Foundation Auction and Reception at the NAFB Convention – one of which was purchased by Monsanto’s Tami Craig Shilling, pictured here with Lyle Orwig of Charleston-Orwig (who also bought one, if I remember correctly.)
Numbers 6-200 are now available, just in time for Christmas, for just $80 plus shipping and handling – and you can even charge it! Place your order by Friday, December 11 to ensure delivery before December 24.
Don’t delay, order today – operators are standing by…. all you have to do is go to the website!