RFA Ethanol Podcast

Mixing His Own Buffalo Feed

Chuck Zimmerman

Corn MissionNow that the modern form of open feedlot management has come to Egypt there are an increasing number of producers using the system. One of them is Ashraf Taha, pictured on the right.

The U.S. Grains Council Corn Mission visited the El-Amel Feedlot this morning to see his operation. He had very few animals left after having just sold most of them at market. He was actually using this time to do maintenance work on his feedlot facilities. Besides raising buffalo Ashraf is very particular about the feed he provides and invested in the equipment to mix his own which includes a healthy portion of ddgs.

You can listen to my interview with Ashraf below:

USGC Corn Mission In Egypt Photo Album

Audio, Corn, International, USGC