2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Morocco’s Office of Cereals

Chuck Zimmerman

Corn MissionThe Moroccan government’s “Office of Cereals” is led by Mr. Abdelali Aziz, General Director (pictured center). He spoke to the U.S. Grains Council Corn Mission this morning about the status of corn imports into Morocco and touched on quantity, quality and standards. He also commented on the impact of the USGC’s programs on the poultry and beef sectors. He says, “There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that the U.S. Grains Council has a clear vision . . . has an absolutely beautiful relationship with Moroccans.”

You can listen to those remarks and download them here: usgc-corn-aziz-1.mp3 Download mp3 file

Mr. Aziz also spoke to us about the Moroccan Government’s “Green Plan” for Agriculture. This is a strategy for agriculture that basically says, “You must invest in agriculture to get money.” The government essentially provides land to investors who agree to farm the land. This is important from the standpoint of how much and how quickly Morocco grows into a larger market for American grain.

You can listen to his comments on the Green Plan and download them here: usgc-corn-aziz-2.mp3 Download mp3 file

USGC Corn Mission In Morocco Photo Album

Audio, Corn, International, USGC