RFA Ethanol Podcast

Illinois Student Agribloggers

Cindy Zimmerman

agmastersThis fine looking group of students from the University of Illinois are the ones responsible for most of the content on the AGMasters Conference blog this week. This group worked as a team to cover every one of the speakers at the event, including doing audio interviews. I was extremely impressed with their work!

The bloggers are (standing) Crop Science majors Ross Recker and Jared Roskamp. Seated are, left to right, Agricultural Communications major Alyssa Eade, Crop Sci major Caitlin Allen, and Ag Comm major Megan Ott.

They deserve a big round of applause for their great work. I expect to see every one of them working in the industry and making a name for themselves in the very near future. Thanks to all of you!
