2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Cob Harvesting Equipment In Action Today

Chuck Zimmerman

Corn HarvestDriving to Emmetsburg, IA last night I saw a growing number of these lights the further north I got. This combine was working right near the POET plant in Emmetsburg. Well, it’s daytime now and I’m hoping it will warm up from the 25 degrees we had when I got up.

POET is describing today’s event as “The largest gathering ever of cellulosic biomass harvesting equipment.”

POET EmmetsburgAgriculture equipment manufacturers will soon put cob harvesting equipment on the market, and Iowa farmers will have a chance to see the latest prototypes in action at Project LIBERTY Field day at POET Biorefining – Emmetsburg (Iowa). Cobs will be the primary feedstock for POET’s commercial cellulosic ethanol plant in Emmetsburg. Also at the event, four-star General Wesley Clark and Iowa Lt. Governor Patty Judge will join POET CEO Jeff Broin in addressing the crowd about cellulosic ethanol and its importance to our energy future.

Corn, Equipment, Ethanol