2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

BASF Kixor Gets Results

Cindy Zimmerman

basf kixorWe were happy to see BASF finally get Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) registration for Kixor® herbicide last week for use on a wide range of crops and effective on more than 70 broadleaf weeds.

Four formulations “powered by Kixor” are now available for growers — Sharpen™ herbicide for various crops, OpTill™ herbicide for soybeans, Integrity™ herbicide for corn and Treevix™ herbicide for citrus, fruit and tree nuts. To get an idea of how effective this new chemistry is on broadleaf weeds, BASF had a plot tour demonstration for growers to check out at the 2009 Farm Progress Show. Take a look here:

BASF, Farming, Video