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New Era in Weed Management

Cindy Zimmerman

BASF Bryan YoungGlyphosate resistance is a growing problem for growers in the Midwest, according to Dr. Bryan Young with Southern Illinois University, who gave a presentation on the issue and how to handle it at the BASF tent during Farm Progress Show 2009.

“Without a doubt it is growing,” Bryan says. “The largest problem is the glyphosate resistant mare’s tail but now we are seeing resistant waterhemp showing up, it’s present in several states now.” Bryan says growers need to start implementing different strategies, using a combination of weed control, to help prevent the spread or even the evolution of resistant weeds on their own operations.

Dr. Young was also on the Kixor panel in the BASF theater this week, talking about the new chemistry and the Kixor-powered herbicides that are awaiting final registration from EPA any day now.

See photos of BASF at Farm Progress Show here on Flickr.

Listen to or download an interview with Bryan Young talking about weed management and the Kixor products:

Audio, BASF, Farm Progress Show