RFA Ethanol Podcast

Bird’s Eye View of Farm Progress Show


Farm Progress 2009Today I had the privilege of climbing to the top of a five story Sukup grain storage bin to get a bird’s eye, 360 degree view of the grounds of the Progress City. Standing high above the crowd I could see and snap photos of the record crowds and all of the exhibits and activities going on below me. Although I was shaking the whole way up the staircase, due to my fear of heights, I tried to capture the energy and beautiful weather we have had this week.

It was pretty spectacular to look over the entire expanse of the site after walking ground level up and down the streets on foot or riding in a golf cart – or the New Holland Rustler! I was very impressed with the effort put forth by the exhibitors, the beautiful landscaping and how each exhibit seemed to be more inviting than the next.

Farm Progress 2009Even though I have been exposed to agriculture all of my life because of my parents’ careers, I guess I never knew how really interesting it is. Chatting with my parents about how the corn fields look and what chemicals they use on them is not usually in our everyday conversation!
I have learned so much about corn and soybeans and yield and machinery these past couple of days, I have a new appreciation for the people who produce the food that I eat every day. Farming is pretty darn hard work and a lot more complicated than most people probably think.

The weather really has been incredibly beautiful – everyone says it is the best weather they have ever had for the show. No rain, no excessive heat, not brutally cold. Is this Progress City or Panama City? If it will be like this again next year, sign me up!

Check out more of my bird’s eye view photos on the Farm Progress Show Photo Album

AgWired coverage of the 2009 Farm Progress Show
is sponsored by: BASF and New Holland

BASF, Farm Progress Show, New Holland