send news release today

BIVI Swine Health Seminar

Chuck Zimmerman

BI logoCindy is on her way to North Carolina and the Boehringer Ingelheim, Swine Health Seminar. I am jealous since I got to cover this event last year and it’s a really good one.

So, expect to find out what’s going on with BIVI over the next couple days and hopefully we’ll see some tweets from @FarmPodcaster. Which reminds me. Like we did with showing support for dairy producers on Sunday by using the #moo hashtag in our tweets, this Sunday it’s time to show support pork producers by using the hashtag #oink in your tweets on Sunday. Let’s show the Twitterverse our support for pork! As @AFBFMace puts it in one of his tweets, “Going 2 make twttr #oink at 9 am EST, Sun. Aug. 16. Set yr alarm. Goal: It’s H1N1, not Swine Flu. Spread the wrd.”

Boehringer Ingelheim, Pork