Speaking of NAFB . . . They have announced their 2009 Foundation Scholarship Recipients.
The NAFB Foundation has awarded three scholarships to college students actively seeking a career in agricultural journalism and communications. The recipients will be formally recognized at the Foundation Luncheon on Wednesday, November 11 at the NAFB Annual Convention in Kansas City, Mo.
Selected for the Glenn Kummerow Memorial Scholarship of $5,000 is DeAnna Schertz of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. DeAnna is a college senior, majoring in Agricultural Communications with a concentration in broadcast journalism and advertising.
Iowa State University junior Chet Hollingshead, recipient of a $4,000 NAFB Foundation Scholarship, grew up on his family’s corn, soybean and pork production farm in Iowa. Chet is majoring in Agricultural Education with a communications option, and plans to become a farm broadcaster when he graduates.
Mattie Nutley is the third NAFB Foundation Scholarship winner of 2009 and recipient of $4,000 toward her junior year at Oklahoma State University. Mattie grew up in rural Oklahoma, where her family has a ranch with Angus cattle and grows alfalfa.
The NAFB Foundation also announced new directors including, Tami Craig Schilling, Monsanto, Don Borgman, John Deere, Eric Brown, Rural Radio Network/KRVN and Lyle Orwig, Charleston-Orwig.