RFA Ethanol Podcast

Photo Memories From IFAJ/AMS

Chuck Zimmerman

IFAJ Billy BobsThanks to Carly and Joanna, pictured here about to go into Billy Bob’s, our online photo album from this year’s IFAJ/AMS is very full. You’ll find almost 900 pictures in there. Please feel free to use them and if you need a high res version we’ll do our best to get one to you.

I got up early this morning and watched all the photos as a slide show via my Apple TV on my 42″ plasma screen. It felt almost like being there. I could hear the voices and know what they were saying. That happens when you spend a lot of time with good friends and colleagues at an extended event like this each year.

IFAJ QuasimojoQuasimojo played once again at this year’s event. I’m thinking we should be recording these for future release. What do you think?

Then we could release an annual CD, Best of CD, etc. Perhaps a recording contract with a big label down the road? I don’t know.

IFAJ/AMS 2009 Photo Album

AgWired coverage of IFAJ 2009/Ag Media Summit is sponsored by:
Pioneer-HiBred Successful Farming and Novus International

Ag Media Summit, IFAJ