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Lots of Options for International Visitors

Cindy Zimmerman

AgWired coverage of IFAJ 2009 is sponsored by:
Pioneer-HiBred Successful Farming and Novus International

IFAJ/AMSWith a free day before the real business of the 2009 IFAJ Congress gets going, many of our international visitors are checking out the sights to see around Fort Worth. Some of the “on-demand” local area tours include the National Cutting Horse Association Summer Spectacular, National Cowgirl Hall of Fame, The Modern Art Museum, Kimbell Art Museum – and, of course, SHOPPING!! That’s what most everyone seems to want to do, especially looking for boots and hats.

IFAJ/AMSCongress organizer Diane Johnson has been really busy today getting people to where they want to go, since this is her home turf, and she is doing a fabulous job! Many of the visitors, including those of us from the United States, can find a lot to do and see just on foot around the conference hotel. Downtown Ft. Worth is a very beautiful area with lots of local attractions like the Sid Richardson Museum featuring paintings and art of the Old West and plenty of wonderful restaurants. Diane says we have 700 people total for the IFAJ/AMS combined event, with 130 of them from other countries.

IFAJ/AMS 2009 Photo Album

Listen to an interview with Diane here:

IFAJ, Novus International, Pioneer