Celebrating With Leah Guffey Banister

Chuck Zimmerman

Tricia, Cindy, LeahYou can now call her Leah Banister. That’s Leah on the right with Cindy in the middle and Tricia Braid-Terry. While you were all smoking and grilling some good meat on the grill and going to the local fireworks, @farmerspice got hitched to First Sergeant Tom Banister in Williamsville, IL.

Cindy and I were there to help take photos and shoot video of the ceremony. We enjoyed the opportunity to spend time with friends and want to wish Leah and Tom many blessings in their marriage.

In case you’re wondering, Leah used to be a farm broadcaster, Cindy is a farm podcaster and Tricia is soon to be a former farm broadcaster. Confused? Yeah. It’s easy to do in today’s new media world.
