2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Ray-Lin Dairy Blog

Chuck Zimmerman

More and more farmers are speaking out in the social web world and I think it’s great. Take Ray Prock, Ray-Lin Dairy. He’s got a blog going and is very active on Twitter.

Welcome to Ray-Lin Dairy’s newly minted blog. To start with here is a little background information about us. We are a second generation Dairy Farm located in Central California. My parents started the dairy in 1972 near Galt, CA in 1974 they moved to Elk Grove, CA. We stayed on that facility until 1990 when we sold the property for subdivision. Our current location is in Denair, CA where we have 240 acres and milk nearly 500 cows. I (Ray) take care of managing the cows, my father (Ray Sr.) mainly handles the books and spends time in OR (more on that later), my brother Joseph manages the farming operation. In 2007 we purchased a 1100 acre ranch in Klamath Falls, OR it sits on the Oregon & California border. We grow alfalfa hay, oat hay and graze some beef cattle there. My brother John manages this facility.

I’m not the only one encouraging farmers to join the online conversation. More and more ag groups are doing the same with their members as they learn how useful these tools are to present our story to the consuming public and I don’t think there’s been a more important time to do that than now.

Ray has wisely chosen to use WordPress.com for his blog (free) and Twitter (free). You can too!
