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Students Hear How Motivation Must Start from Within

John Davis

judylamb1Motivation starts from within… while the students who toured the Novus International facilities in suburban St. Louis might have already known that (they are Missouri Colleges Fund scholars, after all), it sure doesn’t hurt to reinforce that point.

Judy Lamb, Novus’ Product Registration Manager, emphasized that motivational drive during her talk with the students. I caught up with her just after she spoke with the students. She hopes they walk away with the knowledge that what they learn in school is just a springboard for the future.

“Once you get into industry, you’ll find your own niche based on the background and skill sets you learned while in college,” she said. Lamb says you need to be that real self-starter. “If you don’t promote yourself, no one else really will. It’s got to come from within.”

The students listening are very concerned about the current economic conditions. Lamb points out that she started out during a downturn in the economy, and patience and persistance, along with a strong work ethic and a willingness to be diversified, are keys to weathering these tough economic times.

Sounds like pretty good advice no matter what the career your looking at.

More of my conversation with Judy is available here: JudyLamb1.mp3

2009 Novus International Undergraduate Networking Day Photo Set

Novus International