Lately, I have been all about social networking. I started my Twitter account in December just to see what it’s all about, and so far, it has been an effective way to communicate with people and market my causes. While I have usually found that college kids are ahead of the curve on most social technology advances, I give the cake to my older colleagues for mastering the art of 140 character marketing. I’m still learning how to utilize my Twitter account to its best potential, and I found two articles by Ron Jones of Search Engine Watch. His Twitter 101 installments have proved incredibly useful in my Twitter learning curve.
Twitter 101, Part 1 explains the basics: what Twitter is, how to setup a profile, filling out a personal bio, profile photo and background, following and listening to others and building relationships.
Twitter 101, Part 2 explains concepts and applications for the advanced tweeter. These I haven’t dived into exploring yet, and any advice you have on the following applications would be great: Tweetdeck for placing people into different columnar categories, twhirl for translating, twellow for finding people to follow, twittonary for understanding lingo, and more. For a complete list of Twitter applications, link here.
In the meantime, I better go amp up my Twitter account! You can follow my updates at AmandaNolz or BEEFMagazine.