The OMSHville B.O.R.E Method

Amanda Nolz

I’m addicted to several blogs that I read each day, including one titled OMSH, Oh My Stinkin’ Heck. OMSH is the creation of blogger and web designer, Heather Sanders, and she is full of great ideas to increase readership to your own personal websites. I ran across this blog post titled, “The OMSHville B.O.R.E. Method,” that I have found to be useful in my online efforts with blogs and social networks. OMSH recommends a three-step process called the B.O.R.E. Method that will help you succeed in your own online strategies.

First, OMSH says that bloggers need to be attentive to, and timely in, their correspondence. Interacting with the readers is a great way to create an online community. Take the time for the people that take time to read what you have to say. Second, don’t forget there is give and take. OMSH recommends several ideas to accomplish this including: Q&A sessions, giveaways, do-it-yourself tutorials, host an online forum, etc. Finally, the third step is to check your pride at the door. It’s important to keep learning and growing as fast readership grows.

For the full blog post, head to OMSH and read, “The OMSHville B.O.R.E. Method.” It was definitely a refreshing take on the classic blog lessons we have all learned along the way. And, while we’re talking about lessons learned, do you have any tricks you have picked up along the way to maintain a dynamic site for users to consume? Let’s compare notes; I’m excited to hear your thoughts!
