RFA Ethanol Podcast

Books Not Just for Horse Lovers

Amanda Nolz

bowles Need a good book or two to curl up with in the evenings? I was recommended a few books recently that I thought I would share with all of you. These books are not just for horse lovers. They are for anyone who wants to be inspired. Interestingly, the author royalties from the sale of these books go to the care of the 63 rescue horses currently residing at the Proud Spirit Horse Sanctuary. These two novels are authored by Melanie Sue Bowles, who is incredibly passionate and dedicated to the equine industry. Her mission is to care for unwanted and elderly horses, and she is raising money through book purchases. Today, nearly 200 downtrodden horses reside at Proud Spirit.

horses-of-proud-spirite The first book is appropriately titled, The Horses of Proud Spirit, and her second novel is titled, Hoof Prints. Melanie’s first book details her mission to care for abandoned horses. The second novel takes readers on a journey back to the lives of their favorite horses. In a time where horse slaughter is banned, there is an increasing number of unwanted horses. I give kudos to those that dedicate their lives to caring for them. I just hope that books like these don’t create the image of horses as pets. Horses are animals; they live and die. It’s the circle of life in agriculture, and I hope these books don’t sway too much away from that message.

In any event, these books sound like they have a good message and a heart warming story in between the pages. To order, head to Amazon or Proud Spirit.
