- Arkion Life Sciences has received a Section 18 Crisis Exemption to market Avipel Corn Seed Treatment in Louisiana effective March 1, 2009.The EPA approval means that Louisiana farmers can use Avipel to protect field and sweet corn from marauding blackbirds and grackles for the 2009 planting season.
- Dow AgroSciences LLC and Schillinger Seed, Inc. have entered into a licensing, research and development agreement for the commercialization of transgenic commodity soybeans.
- Murray Wise, founder and Chairman of Westchester Group has been named a recipient of Iowa State’s Distinguished Alumni Award.
- American Business Media has announced the availability of a new whitepaper that helps b-to-b media companies leverage Web 2.0 and social media tactics and technologies: “Leveraging Web 2.0 for B2B Media – Ideas & Best Practices.”