2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

RuMBA Formed To Guide Broadband Spending

Chuck Zimmerman

Rural Mobile Broadband AllianceHere’s an example of how the stimulus is stimulating. I’m betting there will be other groups formed to help spend that money. I’m not saying this is a bad thing necessarily. Someone sure needs to provide advice to the government officials who are going to be making spending decisions.

The Rural Mobile Broadband Alliance (RuMBA) was launched to provide a single, clear, and significant voice to government agencies that will be involved in choosing grant recipients from the recently enacted American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. RuMBA is committed to the vision of the Next Generation Wireless Network Grid. The development of a broad coalition committed to this vision will provide the group a competitive advantage for grants and increase the speed of awards to our members.

They’ve got a blog going which you can find here. Via rural_broadband
