2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Netbooking It With A Mini

Chuck Zimmerman

chuck-mini-testI know I’m a Mac guy but I thought I’d try out one of the new netbooks which so far are only in the PC world. So today I’m trying out an HP Mini. Just got it set up.

This is a photo from the built in camera. Not great quality but . . . given the subject matter. So, why a mini? Well, after researching and thinking about it for a while I think it’s a convenience thing.

Let’s say my Mac is tied up doing a live video stream (it will be at the National Ethanol Conference next week) and yet I still want to be live blogging or tweeting. I’ve got my iPhone of course but these things are so small and they are a full computer that I thought I’d try it out. Plus we’re talking less than $400. So, we’ll see. Hopefully, Cindy will like it and let me keep it.
