Without a doubt, those of us in agriculture have science backing us up to defend our food production practices. We can spout off the latest studies, nutrition facts or university research to give credit to our feed rations, grazing methods, and the reasons to include meat and dairy in a healthy diet. However, these studies never seem to resonate with our consumers. I wonder why? Animal rights activists are effective because they use emotion to capture the hearts of their consumers. So, why don’t we do the same?
I found an article on The Beef Site that talks about this subject. The article is titled, “Connecting with Consumers on an Emotional Level,” and it encourages livestock producers to start sharing their stories. Now, I read a lot of blogs, and I think blogging is one of the most simplistic ways to share our food production stories with others.
Need an example of somebody that is doing a fantastic job? Check out the Elkton Farmer Blog, written by Thomas Peters. Although it is simple and the entries are never longer than a few sentences, Thomas does an incredible job of telling a story with photos. He highlights his neighbors, friends and area activities to tell the story of the American farmer.
What do you think of this marketing idea? Is your company utilizing blogs to get a message across to your intended audience? Where do you see the era of blogs moving in the future?