I”m not sure how much ag news will be fed into USA.gov but they’re doing RSS feeds now powered by NewsGator. The release claims you can get a feed for Agriculture but it looks like it’s lumped in with Environment and Energy. However, you can find other specific agriculture feeds here.
The Federal government today announced the availability of breaking news and information RSS feeds on the award winning USA.gov website managed by the U.S. General Service Administration’s Office of Citizen Services. With a long history of providing electronic access to government information through the Web, the USA.gov site is delivering on a commitment to streamline and simplify access so that the public no longer has to scour a vast array of government sponsored websites to learn what is new in their areas of interest.
The new service (http://news.usa.gov/), powered by NewsGator, lets anyone subscribe to “really simple syndication” (RSS) feeds on USA.gov, the U.S. government’s official portal, and receive news and information in industry standard feed readers, many available for free, just as it is posted by editorial staff. Alternatively, web visitors can bookmark the Web site in their browser.
It’s also interesting to see that there is a USA.gov blog with a different blogger for each day of the week.