Cindy noticed that our friend, David Buchholz, David and Associates, is doing a little South American blogging at Midwest Corn Growers, 2009 Study Tour to South America.
In this space we allow corn growers, media and others who are interested to learn what we’ve learned and experience a bit of what we experienced on a two-week study tour to Brazil and Argentina. The tour – from January 10 to 25, 2008 – covers a lot of ground, so this blog will, too.
Brazil and Argentina are important agriculture producers who complement and compete with producers in the United States. These countries are also major meat producers and play an important role in biofuels. By better understanding their operations, policies and future plans we will be better able to compete – and also work together on important issues.
You’ll find lots of pictures and some very in depth reporting of their activities. I think Dave is into it!
Post Update – from Cindy: I was actually alerted to the blog by Ken Colombini with the National Corn Growers Association who did a post about it on Corn Commentary yesterday.