2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Stream Live TV On Your iPhone

Chuck Zimmerman

Inauguration PhotoMy main man, Steve Mays, the Obamanator, is on the ground in Washington, DC to attend today’s inauguration. I realize he’s not looking for the agricultural angle but he’s blogging it and tweeting it, using Flickr and even some video. I’d rather watch his coverage than any of the network blather. We may be miles apart politically but he does a good job and gets the new media thing better than most.

I’m not sure where I’ll be at actual inauguration time. Heck, I’ve got to look up what time it is. I haven’t really been that interested. However, I did download the new Ustream.tv app to my iPhone and it works great here at KCI Airport wifi. It requires a wifi connection but allows you to watch live streaming video like Agwired Live TV! They’re supposed to have a live feed from the event. You can already watch some live webcam video from the area.

Just think of the possibilities for events of your own!
