Fabulous Farm Babe Interview

Chuck Zimmerman

Pam JahnkeIn case you don’t know the sweet, demure and charming Fabulous Farm Babe, Pam Jahnke, you can read an interview with her in the Wisconsin State Journal. Here’s an excerpt:

Melanie Conklin: I can guess how farming got into your blood, growing up on a farm. But why journalism?

Pam Jahnke: I went to school at UW-River Falls to be an ag lawyer. I went in to my adviser to figure out my classes and he said, “Jahnke, why don’t you wake up and smell the coffee? You never shut up, you’re always talking to everybody, you’re always a catalyst on things. Why don’t you walk across the street and see if journalism has got something that fits you?” I never looked back because this is such a natural fit for me — I don’t know what else I’d do.

Yep. Talking into a microphone is a “natural fit.”
