What’s the Job Outlook?

Amanda Nolz

rikki-rikki-rooDespite icy roads and blizzard conditions, I made the haul from Brookings, S.D. to Lincoln, Neb. for a job interview. I decided that the poor economy and struggling job market was a lot scarier than a good, old South Dakota winter storm, so I made the 5 hour trip down to Neb. for the interview.

As this is my last semester at South Dakota State University, the time is ticking to find a job and make a decision about my future. I have got to admit that I’m feeling very fortunate to have agriculture as my area of expertise because so many general journalist students are having a difficult time finding jobs in the current market. It was really sad to see some of my Dec. graduate friends still searching for jobs during winter finals week. Do you think the jobs just aren’t available right now? Will this economy ever recover?

Anyway, the interview went well, and I’m excited for the opportunities that await me in the future. Of course, I will continue to pursue new positions as they arise as I’m constantly on the search for the perfect job for me. My question is, what is the job outlook in your area? Are young people finding jobs with ease? Are you offering jobs that you are having a hard time filling? What kind of skills are you looking for in these positions? Has the economy had an impact on the growth of your business? Inquiring minds want to know…
