2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

iPhone Apps I Like

Chuck Zimmerman

It seems like a growing number of people I run in to have an iPhone. So I’ve been getting some questions about the apps that I’m using. I thought I’d just list them for you and invite you to post your own. These are links to the apps in the iTunes Store.

NetNewsWire: Great news feed reader which syncs with your online and computer accounts.
Facebook: Pretty much a full service mobile version.
WordPress: Let’s me post onto my blogs from anywhere I have a connection!
12seconds: Let’s you post a 3 picture slide show with audio to your 12seconds.tv account.
Pandora: My music whenever and wherever I want.
Speakeasy: Audio recorder. Great quality. You’ll be seeing me use in on location.
iBreviary: Provides the Liturgy of The Hours, daily prayer of the Church. Updated daily.
The Weather Channel: Better weather than built in wx app on phone.
Darkslide: Let’s me upload photos to my Flickr account (including into sets).
Twitterific: Where I tweet from most often.
AIM: Not using this much but a great IM app.
Google Mobile: Quick access to all my Google accounts/services.
Google Earth: You have to see it to believe it.
