- More than 450 employees at Bayer CropScience raised 3,561 lbs. of food during the company’s annual East Wing versus West Wing (of the building) Food Drive competition. Bayer CropScience will again make a $50,000 donation which allows the Food Bank to purchase the food, as well as the backpacks, and administer the program at 19 sites in five counties, which serves approximately 655 children.
- National Institute for Animal Agriculture has announced its 2009 annual meeting, “The Changing Face of Animal Agriculture” to be held March 31-April 1 at the Galt House Hotel & Suites, Louisville, Ky.
- U.S. Grains Council’s 2008 annual report is now available on the Council’s Web site under the “About the Council” tab.
- The Canola Council’s Canola Colleges will be held as follows: Feb. 26: Nisku, AB; March 3: Warman, SK and March 5: Brandon, MB. Main themes this year will be “Stand Establishment” and “Fertility Management”.
- Walz Tetrick Advertising has enhanced its Media Services group with the addition of media buyer/planner Kristi Creason.