Thanks for the introduction, Chuck! I’m glad to be a part of AgWired, and I look forward to bringing a unique perspective to new media uses as a cattle rancher, college student and agricultural journalist.
Young people are always the go-to generation when it comes to utilizing technology to its fullest potential, and I’m excited to share with you some of my experiences with social networks and how they can benefit agriculture professionals.
Of course, Facebook is an important social network that has quickly grown into a tool for business marketing, important causes and social gatherings. One of my favorite organizations, Faces of Ag uses Facebook to reach people and encourage them to connect with the urban consumer. Through a Facebook “group,” Faces of Ag provides hints for making connections and telling the food production story.
However, with the holiday season in full swing, utilizing Facebook and other online media outlets is probably the last thing from your mind. Now is the time to reflect on those that are closest to our hearts—our friends and families. Make family time a priority this season. It is truly the season to refresh our minds and renew our spirits for a great 2009 in agriculture. I look forward to joining you in the New Year to provide you with tips and ideas for utilizing the latest tools to launch your goals in agriculture! I found this picture of a rancher that decorates his dairy cow every year for the holidays. Merry Christmas from my heart to yours!