2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Stenholm: Who Will Bailout Farmers?

John Davis

More fascinating conversation today at the Farm Foundation’s Food and Agriculture Policy Summit in Washington, D.C. as former Rep. Charlie Stenholm is on the stage again leading a discussion on how to restructure agriculture infrastructure.

In the spirit of the current talk of whether the government should bailout the American auto industry, Stenholm is asking the question: “Who will bailout the American farmers?”

Stenholm, a former Democratic leader on the House Agriculture Committee, is confident Pres.-elect Barack Obama will be able to lead the country’s policies so that agriculture will remain viable. And, in the spirit of the change theme Obama has promised to bring, Stenholm says we need to look at changing the structure of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. He says there are too many stovepipes at USDA where people don’t talk to each other because they are focused on staying only on their field of expertise. Stenholm says that has to change.

More speakers are joining in the discussion, and I’ll have more as we cover Farm Foundation’s Food and Agriculture Policy Summit.

Farm Foundation