RFA Ethanol Podcast

Podcasting In The News

Chuck Zimmerman

Thanks to the ever vigilant Evan Slack for the tip to this story in the Rocky Mountain News. It’s worth a full read if you have time. This is especially good for those of you wondering if you should be podcasting. Here’s a few excerpts I liked.

“Podcasting isn’t brand-new, but it’s becoming much more important,” said Leonard Sahling, a research economist who heads ProLogis’ global research department. “We’re always looking for new ways of disseminating our research. Written research is becoming less and less important, and people who want to get information quickly prefer to get it through a podcast.”

According to a report issued in August by the Pew Research Center, 19 percent of all Internet users say they have downloaded a podcast to listen to or view later – an increase of 50 percent since 2006. Pew’s research indicates 34 percent of American adults and 43 percent of Internet users own an iPod or an MP3 player.

“Businesspeople are inundated with printed information,” Sahling said. “What we believe is that many people are willing to download a podcast, which they can watch and listen to at their convenience on a computer or an iPod or a telephone.”

“Research shows that 85 percent of business-to-business buyers are turning to search engines,” Mann said. “It’s very important for us to be present there.”
